Smart Safety are initiatives of the Home Safety Foundation to improve safety in homes and communities. Information is developed to benefit individuals and community organizations interested in obtaining the greatest benefit for their investment in safety.
The Home Safety Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
Based on discussion with homeowners and community organizations it is apparent that there is a need for guidance on how to invest in safety to address risk. As a result the Home Safety Foundation adopted two specific Smart Safety initiatives to provide guidance about practical ways to provide cost effective improvements in safety.
Smart Safety Initiatives:
What is Smart Safety About?
Smart Safety is about you. It is about empowering yourself to take a share in the responsibility of your own safety and that of your family. Smart Safety involves doing more than just a minimum fire safety code requirement. It empowers you to learn about and better understand hazards and risk to which you may be exposed. Smart Safety is about making sensible, cost effective choices and then acting to prevent accidents and injuries. At the community level, Smart Safety is also vigilance and assuring that others entrusted with your safety, understand and fulfill that responsibility.
Home Safety Foundation
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